

Wood-destroying insects and other organisms can cause serious problems in the wooden structural components of a house, and may go undetected for a...

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The term "stucco" is used to describe a type of exterior plaster applied as a two- or three-part coating directly onto masonry, or applied over wood...

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Home Winterization

Winterization is the process of preparing a home for the harsh conditions of winter. It is usually performed in the fall before snow and excessive...

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Settlement Information

You've decided to buy a new home -- congratulations! This article will help you take this big financial step by describing the home-buying,...

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Private Water Wells

If your family gets drinking water from a private well, do you know if your water is safe to drink? What health risks could you and your family...

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Radon Gas 101

Checklist for Inspecting Radon Mitigation Systems in Residential Homes  Home Buyer's and Seller's Guide to...

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